Cobudget Use Cases

There are many different types of organisations and processes that Cobudget can be used for. Here are 3 examples of common Cobudget use cases and the details of their implementation.

Membership Orgs and Networks

Cobudget is used to engage a paying (monthly, quarterly or annually recurring) member community in financial decisions.

Common objectives

  • To increase engagement among your members in a tangible way.

  • To relieve pressure on the director team from having to make all budget decisions.

  • Put the values of transparency, co-ownership and distributed decision making into practice in a simple way.

How it works


Org types


  • A percentage or the full membership fee (monthly, quaterly or annually) is made available to members in a Cobudget group to decide what their fee is spent on and suggest new ideas.


  • a percentage or total of surplus / bonuses are allocated through Cobudget to fund (new) projects

Alumni-organisations, NGOs, Cooperatives, Clubs Associations, Coworking Spaces, Fablabs

Teams and Organisations

Cobudget is used for teams or entire organisations to collaboratively allocate resources to costs of all types and new projects.

Common objectives

  • To increase engagement among your employees in a tangible way.

  • tap into innovation potential

How it works



A fixed budget for an area of the organization is allocated collaboratively.

Examples of budgets:

  • Operational costs: events, travel, office furniture, well-being & team building activities

  • Strategic projects: innovation, exploring new products / services, prototypes, new ideas (i.e. running a contest)

Communities and Networks

Cobudget is used for funding a commons within a network. They tend to consist of a diversity of individuals and entities (both profit and non-profit) in multiple locations.

Common objectives:

  • Enabling the entities and individuals in the network to fund projects together

  • Investing in shared assets and infrastructure (i.e. software, branding)

  • Increasing impact and possibilities by tapping into the resources of the whole ecosystem

  • Enhancing collaboration between organisations

How it works



In this use case there are a many different ways that group members could receive funds in Cobudget. Sometimes it works like internal crowdfunding, which means that each group member can add their personal funds to the spending pot.

Each specific network needs to find the right solution to manage the money flows between entities in a legal and efficient way.

Last updated